Despite starting her educational career at a private high school, Lauren Vallee chose her path to success by switching to Grosse Pointe South High School. Vallee graduated from DePaul University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education & Sport Management, Master of Arts degree for Sport Management at The Ohio State University, and lastly a Master of Arts degree for Counseling Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute.
“It is our goal to encourage veteran athletes to remain in the sport, attract new athletes to triathlon, and elevate the overall performance of the women's field using collaborative competition,” Vallee said. Vallee has also founded 'With > Against', a campaign to encourage those athletes who race in the women's field to race with their competition rather than against them. Owner and head coach of Valiant Endurance, a high performance coaching company, Lauren Vallee is one of many successful alumni from the Grosse Pointe School System.